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Merv on Tuesday

Okay this was going to be a Merv on Monday post but I ran out of time yesterday! Merv has been having the world's longest moult - he's been itchy and cross for months as his winter fluff has been shedding out. I guess the variable temperatures really haven't helped matters. He's also been going alarmingly blonde, causing me to ponder the question do goats get like their owners or do owners get like their goats? Well I was blonde way before him.

Thankfully a lot of his coat has now shed although he's retained a blonde gruff and also what looks like 70's style shaggy chaps on his back legs. I have told him he looks like he's auditioning for a spot in a Village People tribute act, I half expect him to burst into a rendition of YMCA when I go down there!

Quite whether these creations will stay or not only time will tell, we're all just relieved he's not as cross and itchy as he has been. He still enjoys a side helping of my pocket at teatime too!

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