I've started a new cardigan, having just finished one which is blocking at the moment. This is a Drops pattern and I'm using Drops Flora to knit it. I tend to buy a years worth of yarns in around November, so I have them ready for projects as I need them. I'm aiming for this to be ready for autumn as it has a nice leaf design. I couldn't get an orange colour in the 4ply so picked this coral one instead, it's not normally the kind of colour I go for but I'm ending up with a succession of cardies in the same hues so thought I'd better have a change!
Sometimes I feel like I can't bear to open my eyes and look at the world because I'm so deeply ashamed to be a human being and worried about what's going on. Much as I try to believe in the goodness and humanity in people I am finding it hard to hold onto that faith right now. I think most of the scientific community, barring those who've received a nice sum of money from the fossil fuel barons, agree about climate change. I certainly would never call myself any kind of expert, some of my degree was about planetary science, but like a growing number I feel climate change has probably been vastly underestimated and will be quicker than people think. There are an awful lot of people thinking "it won't happen in my lifetime" who are probably going to be surprised, and not pleasantly so. We actually live below sea level here so I'm very aware of our vulnerability. But it's not just about me, I feel very powerless when I read of people in other part...