This is Merv, he's supposed to be a pygmy goat but I think he's actually a pygmy cross as he's smaller than a standard goat but much bigger than you'd expect a pygmy to be. I have to say his attitude is far bigger than he is! He's currently going through the terrible twos as in goat years he's the equivalent of a stroppy teenager. I think we're all hoping that does calm down because he can be a lot to handle at times. Even though he's castrated he still wants to be boss, much to the annoyance of the sheep.
As you can see he has no problem finding trouble, and if he can't find it he'll create it. I'm typing this one handed as he managed to somehow get my wrist caught between his horns this morning as I was putting down a feed bowl. One of the things I love about goats is their playful sense of curiosity but that can be challenging too.
Merv doesn't have to stay in the field if he doesn't want to, he can easily get out, he's also highly intelligent and can undo bolts. I'm thankful he knows which side his bread is buttered and doesn't disappear off, I could well imagine him eating some of the beautiful roses in someone's garden down the lane! He's a rascal, but I guess he's my rascal and life is never dull when he's around.
As you can see he has no problem finding trouble, and if he can't find it he'll create it. I'm typing this one handed as he managed to somehow get my wrist caught between his horns this morning as I was putting down a feed bowl. One of the things I love about goats is their playful sense of curiosity but that can be challenging too.
Merv doesn't have to stay in the field if he doesn't want to, he can easily get out, he's also highly intelligent and can undo bolts. I'm thankful he knows which side his bread is buttered and doesn't disappear off, I could well imagine him eating some of the beautiful roses in someone's garden down the lane! He's a rascal, but I guess he's my rascal and life is never dull when he's around.